
Coronavirus Update

Posted on: 02/03/2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: 2 March 2020


Bourne Education Trust and its schools are actively monitoring Public Health England (PHE) and Department for Education (DfE) guidance in relation to Coronavirus in order that we can respond quickly as advice is updated.  We will keep parents and carers informed through the BET and individual school websites.


The health, welfare and safety of our students, staff and visitors is of paramount importance to us and we are regularly reviewing our procedures in order to minimise any potential impact and reduce the possibility of exposure to Coronavirus within our schools.  No school closures are planned.


We will be regularly reminding students, staff and visitors of the need to observe good hand hygiene, following the NHS ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ campaign in addition to ensuring that all frequently touched surfaces are appropriately cleaned.


Public Health England have issued specific advice for travellers returning from affected areas: see link, with clear guidance on whether self-isolation is needed or not. 


Please keep your child’s school informed if a member of your family has come in contact with anyone who has travelled to one of the affected areas recently.


You will be aware that there is much media speculation about the possible impact of Coronavirus, not all of it accurate or helpful.  The Public Health England website has all the latest advice and information from the Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England.

Please contact your child’s school if you have specific concerns in relation to Coronavirus.

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