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Forest School
Dear Parent / Carer,
This term, your child is invited to join Forest School run by Mr Badger.
Your child will participate on Friday afternoons (in school time) for 6 weeks. Forest School will start on 05/01/24.
The Forest School activities enable children to learn new skills and use tools in a controlled and safe environment. All activities are risk assessed thoroughly and the ratio of adult to child is 1:8. Come rain or shine, the children will be in the copse to learn and therefore we need to ensure that they are wearing suitable outdoor clothing:
- Old t-shirt or comfortable long sleeve top
- Wellingtons or sturdy trainers
- Waterproof trousers or spare trousers (i.e. jogging bottoms - PE kit joggers are fine)
- Waterproof jacket/ Warm fleece/ Warm coat if the weather is cold
Children will wear school uniform to school and change before Forest School. Old clothes are preferable. If your child does not bring spare clothes, then they WILL still be allowed to participate but please bear in mind that their school uniform will almost certainly get dirty!
Please note that consent must be given before your child is able to participate in the Forest School lessons.