Year 2 (Juniper and Willow)

Welcome to Year 2       

                         Miss sullivan 2                                 Picture2    
                            Miss Sullivan                                         Miss Hall
                           Juniper Class                                        Willow Class and Key Stage One Phase Leader                

Welcome to the Year 2 page. On this page, you will find all the information you need for your Year 2 child, homework and useful resources. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school office or talk to your child's class teacher.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 2 Team

Meet the Team

Click on the image below to access a PDF of our Meet the Team meeting.


Curriculum Overview

Year 2 Overview

Please click the picture below for an overview of the subjects we teach throughout year 2.


Year 2 Weekly Timetable

Please click on the image below for a copy of the weekly timetable- please be aware it can change!

Weekly timetable

Year 2 Knowledge Organisers 

Our knowledge organisers give a detailed summary of what your child is learning in history, geography and science. They are a very useful tool to help you ask your child about what they have learnt in school.

Below is the link for our knowledge organisers for our geography topic 'Where in the World' and our science topic 'Growing Plants'.

 Copy of where in the world logo   Diagram of sunflower growth stages diagram showing how plants grow from seed to sunflower vector          

Year 2 Reading Spine

We have carefully selected the books which we will read with Year 2 over the course of the year. The books link with our history, geography and science topics, exposing children to fantastic writing and representing the many cultures in our community. 

Reading spine



In Year 2 we are passionate about reading and expect children to read at home every night, this helps the children become more fluent and helps to build their confidence. We expect the children to read every night, please record in their reading diary.

Click here to find out more about our phonics scheme.


You can support your child by helping them to practise their spellings at home. You can find the weekly spellings in your child's homework book. The spellings will be sent out every Friday and there will be a quiz on these words the following Friday. 

Here is a full list of the Year 2 common exception words:



Project Homework

This half term, our project homework focuses on our science topic 'Growing Plants'.

This project is due in on the 31st March 2025. 

Please click the image below to find out more about the project. 

Project homework


Useful Resources

These resources will help to support your child's learning. Please click on the pictures to access the websites. 


Teach your monster to read






Hit the button




Pobble 365


Dates for your Diary

World Book Day - Wednesday 5th March 2025

Year 2 Open Afternoon - Wednesday 5th March 2025 2:45pm - 3:15pm

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