Year 4 (Rowan and Pine)

Welcome to the Year 4 page     

    Welcome to the Year 4 page. On this page, you will find all the information you need for your child, homework and useful resources. 



If you have any questions, please contact the school office or talk to your child's class teacher.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Veats (Rowan Class - Phase Leader Yr 3 and 4), Mr Crisp (Pine Class) 

Meet the Team

Click on the image below to access a PDF of our Meet the Team meeting which will be held on Tuesday 10th September 2.30pm:

Welcome to Y4 jpeg




Curriculum Overview

Please click the link below for an overview of the subjects we teach throughout the year.

Year 4 Curriculum Overview 

Please click the picture below for an overview of the subjects we teach in Year 4.



Year 4 Weekly Timetable


Please click on the image below for a copy of our weekly timetable - please note that, on occasions, we do have to make some changes to this timetable.

Timetable image


Year 4 Reading Spine


We have carefully selected these books which we will read with Year 4 over the course of the year. The books link with our wider curriculum learning, exposing children to fantastic writing and represent the many cultures in our community. Click on the image below for further details:

  Reading pic



Year 4 Knowledge Organisers

Our knowledge organisers give a detailed summary of what your child is learning in history, geography and science. They are a very useful tool to help you ask your child about what they have learnt in school.

Click on the images below to access copies of the knowledge organisers for History (The Romans) and Science (How Humans Work) :


History KO

Science pic











Weekly Homework

Project Homework

This half term, our project homework focuses on our history learning.This homework is due on Monday the 31st of March. Please feel free to send in before hand. 

History KO


In Year 4, we are passionate about reading and expect children to read at home every night. Each time they read, their reading diary needs to be signed and dated by an adult at home. 


Click here for the words we are currently focusing on in our spelling lessons in class. You can really help your child by help them to practise their spellings at home and by encouraging them to use the words when you talk to them.

Maths Meeting - Times Tables to 8.

We are currently learning our times tables to 8.

T n 6268 times table 1x to 12x display poster  ver 2


Weekly Homework

Every Friday, your child will bring home some maths, reading or SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) homework. This will be due in the following Friday. 




Useful Resources

These resources will help to support your child's learning. Please click on the pictures to access the websites. 



AR logo





TTRS image


Science group big

Spellings - Year 3 and 4 Spelling List

Spelling image JPEG

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